Modelling Texture Change during the Static Recrystallization of a Cold Rolled and Annealed Ultra Low Carbon Steel Previously Warm Rolled in the Ferrite Region

L. Kestens, J. J. Jonas
1997 ISIJ International  
An ultra low carbon stee] was finish rolled in the ferrite range, cold rolled and annealed. Ouantitative analysis of the deformation and annealing textures indicated that high stored energy nucleation was the dominant recrystailization mechanism after a conventional rolling reduction of 75"/•. When the rolling reduction was increased to 95'/•, texture formation during recrystallization was controlled by both oriented nucleation and selective growth; this involves the ra pid growth of nuclei
more » ... display 32' 1 0> and 38' 11 > misorientations with respect to the surrounding matrix. Furthermore, variant selection is of critical importance during selective growth; out of six symmetrically equivalent 1 0> and four symmetrically equivalent 11 > axes, the one chosen is closest to the maximum shear stress pole of the sample. The lower rolling reduction gives rise to a relatively weakand homogeneous 11 >//ND fibre texture (max. =6 > random). The higher rolling reduction, on the other hand, Ieads to a muchsharper 11 >//ND fibre texture (max. = 15 > random) with maximaat orientations that display misorientations of 32' 1 0> and 38' 11 > with respect to the component of maximum intensity of the deformation texture (i,e. {31 1 } 1 0>)-It is shown that the combined drawability and in-plane isotropy improve with rolling reduction because selective growth controlled recrystallization favours the formation of more suitable textures,
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.37.807 fatcat:ge6di4nbpfdbtpx2fal7whpv5q