Effects of Flexible Walls on Radiated Sound From a Turbulent Boundary Layer

Z. Charlie Zheng
2002 5th International Symposium on Fluid Structure International, Aeroeslasticity, and Flow Induced Vibration and Noise   unpublished
In this paper, radiated sound from low Mach number turbulent boundary layers is studied using Lighthill's analogy. The focus is on investigating the behavior of wall pressure fluctuations on a flexible wall boundary. Comparisons are made between the results from rigid and flexible walls. At low frequencies, the flexible wall results have shown much higher levels of power spectra. At high frequencies, the spectra of the flexible wall sound radiation merge with those of the rigid wall sound
more » ... ion. These trends are in agreement with other experimental and theoretical results in literature. This theoretical study of the two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer clarifies the effects of a flexible wall on radiated sound in low Mach number flows. r
doi:10.1115/imece2002-33410 fatcat:ixd3bjgng5h7xgupr5yz42x7ku