Entropy generation analysis in error estimation of an approximate solution: A constant surface temperature semi-infinite conductive problem

Esfahani Abolfazli, Koohi-Fayegh Seama
2009 Thermal Science  
The in te gral so lu tion of one-di men sional heat con duc tion in a semi-in fi nite wall with con stant tem per a ture at its sur face has been re viewed and com pared with the ex act so lu tion for three tem per a ture pro files. Then, an en tropy gen er a tion anal y sis has been car ried out for all so lu tions. In tro duc ing an av er age nor mal ized en tropy gen er a tion, the er ror of the in te gral so lu tion is found to show val ues in the same order as the val ues cal cu lated for
more » ... he nor mal ized en tropy gen er a tion. There fore, it can be con cluded that when no ex act so lu tion is avail able for a sim i lar prob lem, one can ver ify the er ror of the avail able ap prox i mate so lu tions sim ply by ap ply ing an en tropy gen er a tion anal y sis on the prob lem.
doi:10.2298/tsci0902133e fatcat:lllcyq6uvneztpdp3ugx3xbrdy