Teachers' perception of online teaching and its effects on learning outcome during Covid-19: an India based mixed method study

Jaswinder Kaur, Pushpender Kumar
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of teachers regarding online teaching whether they are comfortable and confident while delivering online content to students during this tough time of pandemic? Online teaching is not new in India, but many teachers are experiencing this first time due to emergency and sudden closure of institutions of higher education due to COVID 19. Teachers and students all are engaged in online teaching/learning and combat with several challenges
more » ... lack of resources, expertise, anxiety, etc. This study is an attempt to determine the problems and issues pertained to teachers during online teaching. Efforts have been also made to find out teachers' perceptions about students' learning outcomes. This study explored advantages/disadvantages as well as barriers of online instructions as perceived by teachers of various colleges affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU), Amritsar, Punjab, India. There is the significant importance of the type of online teaching experiences i.e. faculty members who were having positive online teaching experiences significantly differ from their colleagues who experienced the negative or no online teaching experiences. Results obtained from this study indicate those faculty members who were trained and having sufficient exposure towards the technology are more comfortable as well as successful while implementing online teaching, therefore, it is strongly recommended that sufficient training must be provided to the teaching fraternity. Our "New Education Policy 2020 also support this view and recognize the importance of online/blended/digital education.
doi:10.20368/1971-8829/1135450 fatcat:4e7kxh27pjfvtmvvbclmnaifie