Color and Rotated M-Band Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Features for Image Retrieval

K. Prasanthi Jasmine, P. Rajesh Kumar
2014 International Journal of Image Graphics and Signal Processing  
In this paper, a novel algorithm which integrates the RGB color histogram and texture features for content based image retrieval. A new set of twodimensional (2-D) M-band dual tree complex wavelet transform (M_band_DT_CWT) and rotated M_band_DT_CWT are designed to improve the texture retrieval performance. Unlike the standard dual tree complex wavelet transform (DT_CWT), which gives a logarithmic frequency resolution, the M-band decomposition gives a mixture of a logarithmic and linear
more » ... resolution. Most texture image retrieval systems are still incapable of providing retrieval result with high retrieval accuracy and less computational complexity. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach for image retrieval using M_band_DT_CWT and rotated M_band_DT_CWT (M_band_DT_RCWT) by computing the energy, standard deviation and their combination on each subband of the decomposed image. To check the retrieval performance, two texture databases are used. Further, it is mentioned that the databases used are Brodatz gray scale database and MIT VisTex Color database. The retrieval efficiency and accuracy using proposed features is found to be superior to other existing methods. Index Terms-Color; M-band wavelets; Feature Extraction; M-band dual tree complex wavelets; Image Retrieval.
doi:10.5815/ijigsp.2014.09.01 fatcat:peja6winqbfwpdsqfj3hmyulz4