Bifurcation Analysis Of Horizontal Platform System

C. C. Wang, N. S. Pai, H. T. Yau, T. T. Liao, M. J. Jang, C. W. Lee, W. M. Hong
2010 Zenodo  
Horizontal platform system (HPS) is popularly applied in offshore and earthquake technology, but it is difficult and time-consuming for regulation. In order to understand the nonlinear dynamic behavior of HPS and reduce the cost when using it, this paper employs differential transformation method to study the bifurcation behavior of HPS. The numerical results reveal a complex dynamic behavior comprising periodic, sub-harmonic, and chaotic responses. Furthermore, the results reveal the changes
more » ... ich take place in the dynamic behavior of the HPS as the external torque is increased. Therefore, the proposed method provides an effective means of gaining insights into the nonlinear dynamics of horizontal platform system.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1079839 fatcat:qabz3rtqffd5lhhvmqi2votstm