Association of Adverse Effects of Red Meat Consumption with Liver Cirrhosis

Gulshad Wagan, Abdullah Khilji, Kaleem Sheikh, Syed Sohail Abbas Naqvi, Imtiaz Wagan, Syeda Abiya Amber Naqvi
2021 Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences  
Objective: To determine the association of adverse outcomes in term of mortality in patients with cirrhosis and red meat consumption. Study Design: Cross-sectional Place and Duration: Medicine Department of Liaquat University Medical Hospital Jamshoro and Civil Hospital Khairpur Mir's for six months duration from December 2019 to November 2020. Methodology: Total 120 patients of both genders with chronic liver disease were enrolled in this study. Patients were categorized in to two groups.
more » ... A (red meat consumption >60 gm/day) and group B (red meat consumption <60gm/day). Outcomes in term of mortality between both groups were examined. All the data was analyzed by SPSS 27.0. Results: There were 36 (60%) males and 24 (40%) were females with mean age 48.14±7.58 years in group A while in group B 39 (65%) and 21 (35%) patients were males and females with mean age 49.08±8.33 years. Cirrhotic patients with red meat consumption >60 gm/day had high mortality rate as compared to patients with red meat consumption <60 gm/day (10% Vs 3.33%) with p-value 0.0001. Conclusion: A significant association of adverse outcomes was found in cirrhotic patients and red meat consumption. Keywords: Chronic Liver Disease, Red Meat Consumption, Mortality
doi:10.53350/pjmhs211551768 fatcat:xcwn4jz35jgjbblv6w4v5th2bi