Routing analysis and energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks

Q. Gao, K.J. Blow, D.J. Holding, I.W. Marshall, X. Peng
Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication (IEEE Cat. No.04EX710)  
We combine a simple energy model of radio transceivers with analysis of ad-hoc routing to optimize system performance. A simple example of a linear wireless ad hoc sensor network is used to deduce the relationship between traffic load and optimal radio range of topology management schemes. We find that half of the power can be saved if the radio range is adjusted appropriately compared with the best case where equal radio ranges are used. Keywords-Wireless sensor networks, energy efficiency, topology management, radio range adjustment.
doi:10.1109/casset.2004.1321943 fatcat:5ci7kby5kzb4tj3qnldrqqwkhe