A Critical Discourse Analysis of Kenyatta's Eighth Presidential Address on the Corona Virus Pandemic on 6 th June, 2020

2020 International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature  
Language plays a crucial role in communication in any given speech. This paper examines the linguistic choices used in President Uhuru Kenyatta"s speech as well as the covert ideology of the same, enshrined in his eighth address on the Corona virus pandemic. In carrying out the analysis, Norman Fairclough's three dimensional Analytical models of Critical Discourse Analysis theory was adopted. Following the model, the speech was subjected to description (text analysis), interpretation
more » ... / analysis) and explanation (social practice and analysis). The selected corpus' ideological and persuasive components are assessed, thus revealing Kenyatta"s linguistic choices. Power relations depicted in the language used are also analysed. The results of the analysis revealed that the speech was meant to give factual reasons why a number of the measures put in place to curb the spread of the pandemic had to be retained. The ideologies revealed were mainly those of nationalism, collective responsibility in fighting the pandemic and improvement of the country"s economy. The analysis also revealed power relations between the president and his subjects. The researcher recommends that a similar study be carried out using CDA models by vanDijk and Wodak.
doi:10.20431/2347-3134.0807002 fatcat:676ns3t3ardgfe3hmv736oycr4