Effects of abrasion on the penetration of ogival-nosed projectiles into concrete targets

H. M. Wen, Y. Yang, T. He
2010 Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures  
This paper investigates the effects of abrasion on the penetration of an ogival-nosed projectile into concrete targets. A numerical procedure is constructed based on an abrasion model which is proposed based upon the experimental observations and a forcing function. The forcing function is a polynomial of the normal velocity which approximates the response of target and can be determined either empirically or theoretically or numerically. The proposed numerical procedure is easy to implement
more » ... can be used to calculate the time-histories of projectile velocity, penetration depth, deceleration, mass loss and its nose shape. It is found that the model predictions are in good agreement with available test data in terms of mass loss, penetration depth and nose shape change of the projectile.
doi:10.1590/s1679-78252010000400003 fatcat:lk2igjn2ircehlrn5mujmpagxa