Long-term influence of applied amphibolite powder on the chemistry of soil supporting Norway spruce plantation

I. Kuneš, M. Baláš, V. Balcar
2014 Journal of Forest Science  
The article assesses the effects of amphibolite applied to the planting holes of spruces on the soil chemistry. The sampling was conducted fourteen growth seasons after the establishment of the experimental spruce plantation. In both treatments (control and amphibolite) the soil samples were taken from the interior of the planting holes as well as from the intact area around the planting holes. Fourteen growth seasons after application the effects of the pulverised amphibolite were not marked
more » ... spite being detectable. In comparison with the control the soil in the planting holes of the amphibolite treatment showed significantly higher soil reaction, concentration of available phosphorus and partially also concentration of exchangeable Ca. All the significant effects of amphibolite were confined to the soil inside the planting holes. As for the evaluated chemical properties no significant undesirable effects of the amphibolite on soil chemistry were recorded.  
doi:10.17221/89/2013-jfs fatcat:2fpm5f73znfbnakger4jjha72u