An Efficient Algorithm for Constraint Handling in Combinatorial Test Generation

Linbin Yu, Yu Lei, Mehra Nourozborazjany, Raghu N. Kacker, D. Richard Kuhn
2013 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation  
Combinatorial testing has been shown to be a very effective testing strategy. An important problem in combinatorial testing is dealing with constraints, i.e., restrictions that must be satisfied in order for a test to be valid. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm, called IPOG-C, for constraint handling in combinatorial testing. Algorithm IPOG-C modifies an existing combinatorial test generation algorithm called IPOG to support constraints. The major contribution of algorithm IPOG-C
more » ... is that it includes three optimizations to improve the performance of constraint handling. These optimizations can be generalized to other combinatorial test generation algorithms. We implemented algorithm IPOG-C in a combinatorial test generation tool called ACTS. We report experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of algorithm IPOG-C. The three optimizations increased the performance by one or two orders of magnitude for most subject systems in our experiments. Furthermore, a comparison of ACTS to three other tools suggests that ACTS can perform significantly better for systems with more complex constraints.
doi:10.1109/icst.2013.35 dblp:conf/icst/YuLBKK13 fatcat:b2wweoqre5f5hk2xf5syhl6hhe