Study of S = −2 baryonic states at FLAIR

P. Winter
2005 AIP Conference Proceedings  
At the future FAIR project in Darmstadt/Germany [1] low energy antiprotons will be available at FLAIR, the Facility for Low energy Antiproton and Ion Research. Within the FLAIR LoI [2] it is proposed to study the production of strangeness S = −2 baryonic states based on ideas proposed for LEAR [3] . With stopped antiprotons a very efficient reaction chain for the production of slow Ξ hyperons can be initiated. The special feature of this reaction channel is the low momentum of the produced Ξ
more » ... eron down to zero MeV /c recoil momentum. These slow Ξ particles can go into interacting ΞN systems which can couple to YY or might also directly connect to the H particle, if it exists. From the experimental point of view the delayed decays of the strange exit particles allows a highly selective trigger on these reaction channels and the event reconstruction is relatively simple. A non magnetic detection system with track reconstruction ability is sufficient for the complete kinematical reconstruction.
doi:10.1063/1.2130157 fatcat:62hhu24qhnch5fesvp3xjteplu