Chemitype Printing

1849 Scientific American  
Artesian Wells. Scientific �mtritftu. cessary to penetrate, lind the difficulties to be t he most ellthusiasticideas of the BrMd-Fruit. In the representa.tion of plans, engin�ering, over�ome, vary greatly, according to the loca_ Dr. Solader calls it "the most useful vegeta-and architectural drawillgs, where, unlike the lities. ble in the world, ", and urges that no expense free sketches in which w@od shows to 80 H,uch The -i;.�e,:ti�o1' thls Age. should be spared in its cultivation. The mere
more » ... antage, and exactitude of lining, and at-This is the age of great discoveries in all di-idea of bread, the most valuable food of man, tent ion to a mlcroS'�opl.c' de�ee of nunuteness rections. The railroad has become the magi -growing spontaneously, waS doubtless calculais indispensable, we should be i n cl hi e d: to say cian's rod, the electric telegraph a wire of ted to excite attention-almost, perhaps, as th' at Chemitypi> offefs some advantages. In wonders, and ether and chloroform mysterious strongly as the subsequent description' Of the the ill ustration of scientific workS, wher: e the alchemies.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican11031849-51c fatcat:i3u5blc7jjfovd6wwxneofb73m