The SIRIUS code: Statistical Inference of physical paRameters of sIngle and mUltiple populations in Stellar clusters

Stefano Souza, R.A.P. Oliveira, L. O. Kerber, B. Barbuy
2019 Zenodo  
Globular clusters (GCs) are fundamental pieces to understand the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. From the color-magnitude diagrams it is possible to get physical parameters such as age, distance, reddening, proper motions, among others. The wealth of information available in high quality photometric, spectroscopic and/or astrometric data, allows to perform a comprehensive and self-consistent analysis combining different data and techniques. We are developing a python package based on
more » ... Bayesian approach, that we named SIRIUS, to extract as much as possible information of a stellar cluster, in general. In addition, SIRIUS can characterize both simple and multiple stellar populations in a stellar cluster. We have tested the SIRIUS validity, analyzing HST, VLT, Gemini, VVV, and Gaia DR2 data of bulge GCs.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2595407 fatcat:rhoglzx46fgp7ownln6ay6zwvu