An Analytical Framework for the Assessment of the Mobile IP Overhead Involved in the Integrated Internet-MANET

Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan, Rafi U Zaman, A Venugopal Reddy
2010 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies  
Quite a few strategies have been proposed for integrating mobile ad hoc networks and the Internet. A need has been felt for an analytical model that would facilitate a formal definition and comparison of different integration strategies without actually implementing them in a simulated environment. In this paper, we present an analytical framework based on the concept of a Relay Path Set (RPS). This model can be used to describe, compare the different strategies for integrating mobile Ad Hoc
more » ... works and the Internet, propose new strategies and suggest improvements in the existing strategies at different module levels. The proposed model has been applied on a few of the existing Integration strategies and performance comparison has also been made. We also discuss the future work that can be carried out using the proposed framework.
doi:10.3991/ijim.v4i1.1027 fatcat:ejlzzecajngs7ep2vpd3lbry4q