Regular Weakly Generalized Closed Sets in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Spaces

P. Rajarajeswari, L. Senthil Kumar
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This paper is devoted to the study of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. In this paper an intuitionistic fuzzy regular weakly generalized closed set and intuitionistic fuzzy regular weakly generalized open set are introduced. Some of its properties are studied. Also we have provided some applications of intuitionistic fuzzy weakly generalized closed set namely intuitionistic fuzzy rw T 1/2 space and intuitionistic fuzzy rwg T 1/2 space. Keywords Intuitionistic fuzzy topology,
more » ... c fuzzy regular weakly generalized closed set, Intuitionistic fuzzy regular weakly generalized open set, Intuitionistic fuzzy rw T 1/2 space and Intuitionistic fuzzy rwg T 1/2 space.
doi:10.5120/6202-8743 fatcat:z32lrfnd35fezpl37fahkj4jza