Development of a System Measurement Model of the Brazilian Hospital Accreditation System

João Éderson Corrêa, João Batista Turrioni, Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello, Ana Carolina Oliveira Santos, Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva, Fabrício Alves de Almeida
2018 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a measurement model that evaluates the Brazilian hospital accreditation methodology (ONA), based on a multivariate model using structural equation modeling (SEM). The information used to develop the model was obtained from a questionnaire sent to all organizations accredited by the ONA methodology. A model was built based on the data obtained and tested through a structural equation modeling (SEM) technique using the LISREL® software
more » ... ic Software International, Inc., Skokie, IL, USA). Four different tests were performed: Initial, calibrated, simulated, and cross-validation models. By analyzing and validating the proposed measurement model, it can be verified that the selected factors satisfy the required criteria for the development of a structural model. The results show that leadership action is one of the most important factors in the process of health services accredited by ONA. Although, leadership, staff management, quality management, organizational culture, process orientation, and safety are strongly linked to the development of health organizations, and directly influence the accreditation process.
doi:10.3390/ijerph15112520 pmid:30423866 pmcid:PMC6266958 fatcat:g4pn65rcuvcxvnf3ovcx5zmo3i