Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Monitoring of CO2 Migration - from Tool Development to Reservoir Surveillance at the Ketzin Pilot Site

C. Schmidt-Hattenberger, P. Bergmann, D. Bösing, T. Labitzke, M. Möller, S. Schröder, F. Wagner, H. Schütt
2013 Energy Procedia  
Since more than four years of operation, the Ketzin pilot site is successfully demonstrating a multi-disciplinary monitoring concept for detecting and tracking the CO 2 distribution in the subsurface. In this research frame, the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is part of the geophysical measurement program and contributes to the observation of the pore fluid changes due to the CO 2 /brine displacement process in the reservoir zone. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of a permanently
more » ... nstalled geoelectrical array and its potential for providing frequently acquired time-lapse results as well as for supporting periodical surface-downhole surveys. Based on standardized technical components and equipped with a sequence of suitable data evaluation tools, this permanent reservoir monitoring system aims to support subsurface management solutions.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.329 fatcat:k66njdvfsvgjrd33v44uh464hq