Merging polyhedral shapes with scattered features

M. Alexa
1999 Proceedings Shape Modeling International '99. International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications  
The paper presents a technique for merging two genus 0 polyhedra. Merging establishes correspondences between vertices of the models as a first step in a 3D morphing process. The technique allows for the specification of scattered features to be aligned. This is accomplished by performing the following three steps: First, initial embeddings of the polyhedra on unit spheres are computed. Second, the embeddings are deformed such that user defined features (vertices) coincide on the spheres.
more » ... an overlay of the subdivisions is computed and the aligned vertices are fused in the merged model.
doi:10.1109/sma.1999.749341 dblp:conf/smi/Alexa99 fatcat:aph75wrfgbgo5kms6o5eacosne