Political Parties and Trade Union Growth in Canada
Dennis R. Maki
Relations Industrielles - Industrial Relations
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... it.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Document téléchargé le 11 février 2017 04:11 This study retests the Ashenfelter-Pencavel hypothesis that political factors matter, using pooled cross section-time séries data on union growth for Canadian provinces and a set ofdummy variables representing political party in power in each province. Bot h theoretical and practical aspects are presented. Récent empirical studies investigating the causes of trade union growth in both Canada 1 and the United Kingdom 2 hâve relied entirely on "économie" variables, such as employment growth, unemployment rates, the rate of change of priées and/or wages, the level or rate of profits, and strike activity in their spécifications. Although ail of thèse studies cite Ashenfelter and Pencavel 3 among their antécédents, they choose not to include any political variables in their analysis, despite the statistical significance (one per cent level) which Ashenfelter and Pencavel obtained for a variable measuring "the percentage of the membership in the House of Représentatives which is affiliated with the National Démocratie Party". This study retests the Ashenfelter-Pencavel hypothesis that political factors matter, using pooled cross section-time séries data on union growth for Canadian provinces and a set of dummy variables representing political party in power in each province. The results support the hypothesis tested. The following section of the paper discusses the theoretical underpinnings of both the political and économie variables included in the model.