Precision tests of the Standard Model at electron colliders

David Muller
2000 AIP Conference Proceedings  
We review electroweak physics studies in high-energy e + e ; collisions at CERN and SLAC. Studies of couplings of the Z 0 boson to many of the fundmental fermions are now quite detailed, and those of the W bosons are well under way. Sensitivity to radiative corrections due to the massive top quark, the as yet undiscovered Higgs boson, and new physics at the TeV scale has been achieved. The Standard Model is consistent with all data, although further studies are indicated in several areas. In
more » ... absence of new physics, the Higgs mass is limited to <188 GeV/c 2 at 95% C.L.
doi:10.1063/1.1330908 fatcat:4pdst45eazfgxog5myyj7rcwbi