On the Syntax of Sentential Negation in Yemeni Arabic

Abdulrahman Alqurashi, Mukarram Abduljalil
2020 International Journal of English Linguistics  
In this paper we explore the system of negation in modern Arabic dialects with a particular focus on Yemeni Arabic (Raymi dialect). The data observed in this dialect incorporate important and novel facts related to the syntax of sentential negation in Arabic. This includes the distribution of negation patterns and the interaction between negation and negative polarity items, which challenges the two widely adopted analyses for sentential negation in Arabic: The Spec-NegP analysis and the
more » ... inuous Neg analysis. In this paper we argue that neither analysis can provide an adequate account of Raymi Arabic facts. Instead, a more recent analysis, the Spilt-Neg analysis, can accommodate them. In addition, in the study we provide empirical evidence in support of the Higher-Neg analysis, wherein Neg is projected higher than T in the derivation.
doi:10.5539/ijel.v10n2p331 fatcat:wdunrke4arfc5hzk5xkykuoxcq