Nicola Litchfield review comments [peer_review]

Nicola Litchfield
2021 unpublished
Interactive comment on "The last interglacial sea-level record of New Zealand (Aotearoa)" by Deirdre D. Ryan et al. This paper presents a very useful new dataset of last interglacial relative sea level indicators for New Zealand (NZ) Aotearoa. The dataset appears to have been rigorously compiled to the WALIS global standard and it is useful, albeit humbling (in terms of the relatively few datapoints able to be compiled), to see these data in a global context. The paper is very well written and
more » ... ppropriately illustrated, bar the minor points I discuss below and on the annotated pdf. I have not checked the calculations, in part because I don't fully understand the methods (discussed below), but I suspect there are no major errors as the calculations are not complex. The largest issue I have with the paper in its current form is the lack of detail on the C1 ESSDD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper
doi:10.5194/essd-2020-288-rc2 fatcat:xomgffecx5fnxczxapreb4k7by