Nyoman Utami Januhari, Ni Luh Ayu Kartika Yuniastari Sarja, Made Rudita
2018 Zenodo  
Bali is one of the famous island with unique art and culture. One of the interesting benefits of Balinese art is the art of dance. Dance which is the origin of Balinese dance there is Classical Balinese Dance. Classical Balinese Dance is a Balinese dance that has certain norms, rules, standards and has high artistic value. Currently the development of Balinese Dance is very rapid as many emerging modern dance in Bali. This causes the Balinese Classical Dance which is the origin of Balinese
more » ... began to be forgotten and rarely staged. Many people are not aware of the existence of Classical Balinese dance. With the development of information technology, the delivery of information can be done by digitizing information. This research examines the utilization of information technology for preservation of classical Balinese dance. The result of this research is the information technology based model of preservation of classical Balinese dance to preserve classical Balinese dance so that people can revive the classical Balinese dance that has been almost forgotten. In addition, this research produce a classic balinese dance website andmobile application. The research method consists of stages of literature review, environmental aspect assessment, analysis, identification, model development, model implementation.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2280897 fatcat:qrmfz2rchbflpefjh5qjjjgx3q