Raman amplification and lasing in SiGe waveguides

Ricardo Claps, Varun Raghunathan, Ozdal Boyraz, Prakash Koonath, Dimitrios Dimitropoulos, Bahram Jalali
2005 Optics Express  
We describe the first observation of spontaneous Raman emission, stimulated amplification, and lasing in a SiGe waveguide. A pulsed optical gain of 16dB and a lasing threshold of 25 W peak pulse power (20 mW average) is observed for a Si 1-x Ge x waveguide with x=7.5%. At the same time, a 40 GHz frequency downshift is observed in the Raman spectrum compared to that of a silicon waveguide. The spectral shift can be attributed to the combination of composition-and strain-induced shift in the
more » ... al phonon frequency. The prospect of Germanium-Silicon-on-Oxide as a flexible Raman medium is discussed.
doi:10.1364/opex.13.002459 pmid:19495138 fatcat:yri2xdoj45dfbbl5ebqe34huey