Age-related characteristics of the reaction of the cardiovascular system of young swimmers to dosed physical activity

A. Yushko, N. Balamutova, E. Bloshenko, L. Sheyko
2020 Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)  
In the age-related pedagogy and physiology one of important questions is the study of the influence of physical activities on the state of the cardiovascular system of children and teenagers. The reactions of the cardiovascular system in response to physical activity have significant age and gender differences. In this regard, the indicators of the cardiovascular system were analyzed when working on a bicycle ergometer in schoolchildren before, during, at the time of completion of puberty. The
more » ... im of this research was to study the age-related characteristics of the testes' cardiovascular system response to dosed physical activity. The revealed regularities of the reaction of the cardiovascular system of school-age children to physical activity can serve as a criterion for assessing their functional possibilities.
doi:10.31392/npu-nc.series15.2020.3(123).32 fatcat:ogvb3le7qbbz5doq5ktyg3ze2e