2017 Assiut veterinary medical journal  
The study was aimed to evaluation the efficiency of biosecurity procedures in broiler flocks in the middle region of Syria and design a system for biosecurity procedures in farms broiler chicken for prevention of the emergency diseases. The study was conducted on 7 broiler chicken farms with similar productivity, management and technical parameters as number of flocks, structure design of the houses and other services within a farm, in addition to the quality of technical supervision on theses
more » ... arms.It was applied and carried out all biosecurity procedures related to the process of washing and disinfection of houses and used materials in the stage between two rearing flocks using different disinfectants which are available in the international and local Syrian marketing with varying concentration according recommendation of manufacturing and recommended parameters in the scientific literature and international scientific organizations and societies.The results of biosecurity procedures were evaluated in the as mentioned in the study using specific bacterial examinations and tests are linked with the bacteriology examination of the samples taken from air, floors, walls, and materials which would be used in the coming flock after complete diminish of the application of all recommended biosecurity procedures. Strategies had been suggested according to the bacterial examination to avoid bacterial epidemic and endemic diseases occurrences in the study farms.
doi:10.21608/avmj.2017.169273 fatcat:6pk77grj3bdkhgnclnaskmvokq