Filologia mapy. Badanie dawnej kartografii metodą krytyki tekstu na przykładzie toponimii mapy Księstwa Połockiego S. Pachołowieckiego z 1580 roku

2017 Terminus  
Th e Philology of a Map. Studying Old Cartography Using the Method of Textual Criticism: the Case of Toponymy of the Map of the Principality of Polotsk by S. Pachołowiecki from 1580 Th e aim of this paper is to make an experimental application of textual criticism (the stemma method or Lachmann's method) in the analyses of early-modern maps. It is supposed to verify whether, and to what extent, the means developed by philologists to establish how texts were transmitted in medieval codices, can
more » ... e applied to study the transmission of geographic knowledge on early-modern maps. Th e author postulates that well-tried procedures should be used in studies of textual parts of old maps. Th ey allow the formulation of fi liation hypotheses. Th ese procedures consist of collating extant texts and detecting mistakes that indicate, connect or divide individual branches of tradition.
doi:10.4467/20843844te.17.006.7895 fatcat:bezbpwcbcnfjlfs2pj5zfq4tby