B1 Is super accelerated hepatitis B vaccination best way forward?

J Thomas, S Busby, M Chauhan
2012 Sexually Transmitted Infections  
Hepatitis B vaccination offers protection against hepatitis B in high-risk individuals like IVDU, homosexuals and in sex workers. Super accelerated vaccination schedule of 0, 7, 21 days has been found to increase the compliance to the vaccination and has been found to be effective against hepatitis B transmission. We followed this schedule in our GUM clinic. Objectives 1. To assess the uptake of Hepatitis B vaccination in homosexual and bisexual men. 2. To assess whether full STI screening
more » ... ding testing for HIV, hepatitis B and C is being done along with checking HBs antibody levels in those already immunised. Methods We looked at 30 patient notes, which included homosexual and bisexual men. Results All (100%) patients got full STI screen including HIV, hepatitis B and C testing. 30% of patients were vaccinated before and so immune to hepatitis B as shown by HBs antibody levels. Out of the remaining 70% of patients, 40% received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccination on the super accelerated vaccination schedule. 13% got two doses, 10% got only one dose and the remaining 7% declined. Conclusion All high risk individuals attending the sexual health clinic should receive a full STI screen including HIV, Hepatitis B, C testing and HBs antibody levels checked who has previously received vaccination. The accelerated vaccination schedule encourages patients to receive the full course of immunisation. Education of highrisk individuals is necessary to improve the vaccination uptake. A written card with vaccination appointment dates given to patients at the beginning will further improve the patient attendance to finish the full course of the vaccination.
doi:10.1136/sextrans-2012-050601d.1 fatcat:4e6gbzwyazfulnfego5jp5wege