Overview of Pulmonary Physiotherapy in Symptoms and Complication of COVID 19

2020 Medico-Legal Update  
COVID 19 or CORONA as we know it has not only become a global pandemic but a real threat to humanity which is proving itself as a third world war for the world. Everyone is talking about the basic preventive measures for fighting with this situation let it be proper hygiene, social distancing or allied healthcare measures. The basic symptoms of the covid-19 patients, the virus attacks healthy as well as immune-compromised individuals. The onset of virus starts from inhalation of droplets
more » ... ated with virus which shows its effect on larynx and via it, progresses to lungs covering the respiratory system causing acute respiratory infections. Once in lungs it makes it as a strong hold on ground for further deterioration of immunity and respiratory functions which leads to fatal conditions like pneumonia acute respiratory distress syndromes. Now if by various respiratory physiotherapeutic practices if we can increase the strength of lungs it can actually increase the recovery of the patients with the aim of maintaining the bronchial hygiene and strengthening the respiratory muscles at various stages. Bronchial toileting, positioning can be helpful in dealing with complications like pneumonia and ARDS, where pursed lip breathing and ACBT can be helpful in dealing with breathlessness in early stages.
doi:10.37506/mlu.v20i4.1801 fatcat:vhc5q2kfunbqldm4y5r6ffxwmi