Phase and group velocity of focused, pulsed Gaussian beams in the presence and absence of primary aberrations

Balázs Major, Zoltán L Horváth, Miguel A Porras
2015 Journal of Optics  
This work presents a study on the phase-and group-velocity variations of focused, pulsed Gaussian beams during the propagation through the focal region along the optical axis. In aberration-free case it is discussed how the wavelength dependence of beam properties alters the group velocity, and how a chromatic aberration-like effect can arise even when focusing is performed with an element which does not have chromatic aberration. It is also examined what effects primary spherical aberration,
more » ... tigmatism, coma, curvature of field and distortion along with chromatic aberration have on the phase-and group-velocity changes occurring during propagation through focus.
doi:10.1088/2040-8978/17/6/065612 fatcat:ot6ucumzjveutfkjfqpoiep5la