Fixed-structure discrete-time H 2 / H ∞ controller synthesis using the delta operator

R. Scott Erwin, Dennis S. Bernstein
2002 International Journal of Control  
This paper considers the ®xed-structure, discrete-time mixed H 2 =H 1 controller synthesis problem in the delta operator (di erence operator) framework. The di erential operator and shift operator versions of the problem are reviewed for comparison, and necessary conditions are derived for all three formulations. A quasi-Newton/continuation algorithm is then used to obtain approximate solutions to these equations. Controllers are synthesized for two numerical examples, and the performance of
more » ... algorithm on the di erential, di erence and shift operator versions of the problems is compared.
doi:10.1080/00207170210121925 fatcat:mk4bhnpuxvaz7ibxjshbkruv6y