Developing Soft Skills in Veterinary Students in the ESP Class: Teaching Approaches and Strategies

Irina Kulamikhina, Zhanbota Esmurzaeva, Maxim Marus, Oksana Zhbikovskaya
2020 Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference The Fifth Technological Order: Prospects for the Development and Modernization of the Russian Agro-Industrial Sector (TFTS 2019)   unpublished
The paper explores the efficiency of visual education approaches (the use of visual communication tools, full-spectrum visual learning, critical thinking approach, active and performance-based learning) infusing into the content instruction in the ESP class at the Omsk State Agrarian University. The five instructional strategies were used to understand the impact of visuals upon visual thinking abilities: 1) "reading circles" strategy; 2) concept mapping; 3) visual thinking activities; 4)
more » ... elling; 5) making presentations. The improvement in the visual thinking abilities in veterinary students doing the ESP course was assessed by the methods of pretesting, end-course students' performance and direct observation in class. The study produced several findings: 1. There was a positive change in visual thinking skills after the treatment; 2. The notable improvement of students' visual learning abilities and communication skills has been achieved due to the "Reading circles" strategy; 3. The growth of visual evaluation abilities is observed in students with high cognitive capacities and rather good communication skills; 4. With concept mapping technology, students are better visual and oral communicators; 5. Though there is an improvement in visual thinking abilities in students, still there is the need for more development in critical engagement with the visual.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200113.221 fatcat:5qu7raa7a5c4thkkway75k5kyi