Hierarchical Visualization of Cloud-Based Social Network Service Using Fuzzy
퍼지를 이용한 클라우드 기반의 소셜 네트워크 서비스 계층적 시각화

Sun Park, Yong-Il Kim, Seong Ro Lee
2013 The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences  
Recently, the visualization method of social network service have been only focusing on presentation of visualizing network data, which the methods do not consider an efficient processing speed and computational complexity for increasing at the ratio of arithmetical of a big data regarding social networks. This paper proposes a cloud based on visualization method to visualize a user focused hierarchy relationship between user's nodes on social network. The proposed method can intuitionally
more » ... stand the user's social relationship since the method uses fuzzy to represent a hierarchical relationship of user nodes of social network. It also can easily identify a key role relationship of users on social network. In addition, the method uses hadoop and hive based on cloud for distributed parallel processing of visualization algorithm, which it can expedite the big data of social network.
doi:10.7840/kics.2013.38b.7.501 fatcat:li2ddcsumrgd3bsu3m5vynam7m