Conflictul de interese. Implicații juridice administrative și penale

Angelica CHIRILĂ
2010 Revista Transilvană de Ştiinţe Administrative  
This approach takes into account a comparative presentation of the concept of conflict of interest in the Romanian legislation, both in terms of administrative rules, stated by Law no. 161/2003 regarding some measures to ensure transparency in the exercise of public dignities, public functions and in business, prevent and punish corruption, and in terms of its criminal legislation (Criminal Code Article 2531). The objective of appropriate legislative policy on conflict of interest consisting of
more » ... political and administrative decision support accuracy of official and public administration in general, we believe that it would require a correlation of conflict of interest rules to clarify circumstances in which it has administrative or criminal nature. It was also considered a comparative approach to the concept of public official, the legislation amended by Law no. 188/1999 on the status of civil servants, and a much broader meaning given by the Romanian criminal law.
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