Innovative approach to the problem of preventing the formation of icing on the roofs of buildings in the spring and winter

Nikolay Khlobystin, Anastasia Kingasheva, Dmitry Brenchaninov, N. Vatin, P. Zunino, E. Vdovin
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
Only during 2010 – 2019 more than 100 people have suffered from falling of icicles from roofs. In most cases people get slight injuries, but sometimes it reaches lethal outcome. Also damage is sustained by cars, pavements, shops that are in commercial rooms on the first floors of houses, etc. In the conditions of continuous modernization of design of houses, construction companies do not resolve the matter. In this article the problem of formation of frost during the spring and winter period is
more » ... studied. We have assessed the probabilities of suffering damage from icicles falling from various heights. The innovative device that does not have analogy around the world and eliminates defects of already existing patents is presented.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201914008007 fatcat:scj4a4xrh5a5rg27vx6ftcpsty