Mean-Field Calculation Based on Proton-Neutron Mixed Energy Density Functionals

Koichi Sato, Jacek Dobaczewski, Takashi Nakatsukasa, Wojciech Satuła
2015 Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2014)   unpublished
We have performed calculations based on the Skyrme energy density functional (EDF) that includes arbitrary mixing between protons and neutrons. In this framework, single-particle states are generalized as mixtures of proton and neutron components. The model assumes that the Skyrme EDF is invariant under the rotation in isospin space and the Coulomb force is the only source of the isospin symmetry breaking. To control the isospin of the system, we employ the isocranking method, which is
more » ... to the standard cranking approach used for describing high-spin states. Here, we present results of the isocranking calculations performed for the isobaric analog states in A = 40 and A = 54 nuclei.
doi:10.7566/jpscp.6.020051 fatcat:qkzeatzwsrbt3pkzws2iketswy