Practical Implications of the Ambidexterity Concepts

Nina Gusenleitner
Scientific publications treating the topic of ambidexterity have experienced a great increase in number since the last twenty years. However, the implications for managers to achieve ambidexterity in practice remain a largely neglected field of research. This thesis aims at bridging the rigor-relevance gap regarding the concept of ambidexterity by systematically reviewing findings from academic and practitioner literature in order to provide practical implications for managers to reconcile
more » ... ration and exploitation and to, thus, achieve ambidexterity in practice. Keywords: Ambidexterity, Practical implications, Exploitation, Rigor-relevance gap
doi:10.5282/jums/v1i1pp138-187 fatcat:qwnsjjjdmnftnbt2o4mnujey7m