Influence of cycloheximide on apoptosis in CHO cells, induced by ethane 1,2-dimethanesulphonate (EDS)

U Polak, A Jankowska, J B Warchoł
Ethane 1,2-dimethanesulphonate (EDS) causes apoptotic death of Leydig cells. Additionally, EDS causes damage of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells but the occurrence of apoptosis is not such plentiful. The present study tested whether the inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide (CHX) would influence apoptosis of CHO cells, induced by EDS. The study compounds induced morphological changes in CHO cell typical for apoptosis. An active form of caspase-9 and an alternation of mitochondrial
more » ... ansmembrane potential were also observed. In our study, a more cumulative effect of the CHX and EDS on apoptosis was observed, when both compounds were simultaneously employed. The obtained results indicated that synthesis of antiapoptotic proteins plays a very important role in the inhibition of apoptosis.
pmid:15638359 fatcat:vn4taq4vazaprmeiejnerih4vm