Thermal and mechanical properties of a DNA model with solvation barrier

R. Tapia-Rojo, J. J. Mazo, F. Falo
2010 Physical Review E  
We study the thermal and mechanical behavior of DNA denaturation in the frame of the mesoscopic Peyrard- Bishop-Dauxois model with the inclusion of solvent interaction. By analyzing the melting transition of a homogeneous A-T sequence, we are able to set suitable values of the parameters of the model and study the formation and stability of bubbles in the system. Then, we focus on the case of the P5 promoter sequence and use the Principal Component Analysis of the trajectories to extract the
more » ... n information on the dynamical behavior of the system. We find that this analysis method gives an excellent agreement with previous biological results.
doi:10.1103/physreve.82.031916 pmid:21230117 fatcat:z7ga5wuyrbhqdemfuhwfwv4hy4