J. W. Marden, Mary V. Dover
1917 Journal of the American Chemical Society  
Mixtures of nonaqueous solutions are often used for making extractions and, although various three-component sys tems have been studied, but little has been done on the solubilities of common substances in mixed miscible solvents from the point of view of analytical chemistry. It has been shown' that, in some cases, a simple expression which may be stated in the form of a fractional precipitation coefficient, similar in many ways to the so-called distribution coefficient, expresses the
more » ... hip between the solubility of certain substances and the composition of the solvent. When the solubility of acetanilide, €or example, is reduced in mixed nonaqueous solutions of ether and chloroform by the addition of the poorer solvent, ethe.r, the fraction of the difference between the solubility in the solution in question and in the poorer solvent, i. e . , the fraction of the total precipitable material in solution before the operation, removed by any 10% change in the composition of the solution is always the same. 'This may be expressed, algebraically, as This expression has the same significance , etc., = K. THIS JOURNAL, 38, 1235 (1916). c1-czczc 3 c1 c 2
doi:10.1021/ja02246a001 fatcat:llhb6mq345guhezmyxu5yroqru