MotoStudent and the Web3D

Héctor Olmedo, Karle Olalde, Beñat García
2015 Procedia Computer Science  
In the field of engineering, the best results can be obtained if we are able to interact with our models. Customers generally want to interact with models or designs for new products, so we are developing various alternatives for visualization, such as Virtual and Augmented Realities based on accurate models with no need of using specific software. In order to have a better and global knowledge of the various possibilities, in this paper we show the situation and capabilities of these
more » ... es. From models developed with commercial programs and tools for industrial design, we propose a workflow to give everybody a chance to interact with these models. The sectors where these technologies are applied and the services o ered are grouped together in industrial production systems and learning of related disciplines. But also promotion of 3D projects over the Internet can be done. This is the case of the MotoStudent project where the work done by designers to develop 3D models can be published easily on webpages allowing fully interaction to the user with no need of installing plugins.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.220 fatcat:c4lwv7rkmjf2xatzqvixy7bfju