The importance of information technology as a strategic resource for hospital management process and the management skills required for managers

Jayr Figueiredo De Oliveira
2017 International Journal of Business and Systems Research  
The developed research debates which is the perception of the administrators and hospital area managers about the ideal professional competency profile that the leadership occupants must have had in front of the available IT resources. The general objective, therefore, consisted in uplevel the inquired ones perception regarding the ideal professional competency to fulfill management tasks within hospital environment. The research with descriptive nature consisted of a Survey that has involved
more » ... 0 professionals from 36 hospital institutions both public and private from the health sector, and composed by two steps (discussion and questionnaire). The results pointed out that the Professional competency profile considered ideal would have been the attributes related to the knowledge and ability to strategic and operational planning, leadership ability and ethics attitude.
doi:10.1504/ijbsr.2017.080833 fatcat:642zvwxvhjda3lipkpbx7uarke