The morphological characteristic hemangiomas in children

S. Toktosunova, A. Toktosunov, E. Suerkulov
2018 Zenodo  
Histological studies were carried out and morphological features were examined that were removed by hemangiomas before and after cryo-sclerosing therapy. The morphological study showed that in 50.0% — the tumour had the structure of (simple) capillary hemangioma, in 35.7% — cavernous hemangioma and in 18.3% of the combined hemangioma. In hemangiomas removed after cryo–clotting therapy, there are signs indicating their recurrence. Over time, hemangiomas increased in size. According to the study,
more » ... it is recommended to use high-frequency radiosurgery, since it is less traumatic, convenient, aesthetically more acceptable and inexpensive treatment.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2256220 fatcat:powtehnepba6hmkpjmbje3wj7i