Big Data Technology and its Importance for Decision-Making in Enterprises

Milan Kubina, Gabriel Koman
2016 Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina  
Rapid development in the field of information-communication technologies, which has been recorded in recent years, caused the increase from 40 to 50% in the volume of data in companies last year. At present enterprises are able to use only a quarter of the data available. It is expected that by 2020, the volume of data will have reached 35 zettabytes [1] . By analyzing large amounts of data, it is possible to get the information important for an enterprise which will facilitate decision-making
more » ... rocess of managers. Technology for large volume data called Big Data is nowadays largely employed for effective use of data.
doi:10.26552/com.c.2016.4.129-133 fatcat:e3ezpcfjubbldisf5ozbzdnxsq