Preoperative assessment and premedication in paediatrics

Jerrold Lerman
2013 European Journal of Anaesthesiology  
Preoperative assessment and premedication represent important preparatory steps to ensuring a smooth and effective induction of anaesthesia. A thorough review of the child's medical history, previous anaesthetics, medications, allergies and family history is essential to design the optimal anaesthetic for the child and his/her surgery. Risks must be addressed with the parents as appropriate based on the local standards. Preoperative anxiolysis may assume several strategies, with premedication
more » ... th a pharmacologic agent very common and most successful. This review focuses on the preoperative assessment and premedication for children undergoing elective surgery.
doi:10.1097/eja.0b013e328360c3e2 pmid:24022595 fatcat:fhmtmiujzrghtir5evrryr3a7q