Web-based business applications as the support for increased competitiveness in agribusiness
Aleksandra Zecevic, Katica Radosavljevic
Ekonomika preduzeca
Sažetak U poslednjih par decenija, na globalnom nivou, razvoj informacionih tehnologija, a posebno u primeni u svim sferama ljudske delatnosti, predstavlja određenu izuzetnost. Eksperti iz oblasti predviđanja očekuju dalju, sve racionalniju primenu informacionih tehnologija, naročito u oblastima koje očekuju potpunu podršku. Poljoprivreda je sektor koji je veoma skromno koristilo podršku informacionih tehnologija u svojim aktivnostima. U Republici Srbiji, prema mogućnostima, može se reći da je
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... nformaciona tehnologija podrška određenim oblastima na dosta kvalitetan način, što se ne može reći za oblast poljoprivrede. Iz ovih razloga, tematika rada posvećena je problematici podrške informacione tehnologije u agrobiznisu u cilju jačanja konkurentnosti. Pored uvodnih napomena i zaključka, rad sadrži tri osnovna dela u kojima se razmatra pozicioniranje Srbije u pogledu primene informacionih tehnologija, razmatranje problema povećanja proizvodnje i tržišnosti na izabranom primeru, kao i korišćenje web informacionih tehnologija u cilju podizanja nivoa aktivnosti agrobiznisa. Abstract During the last several decades, on a global level, the development of information technologies, particularly those with applicability in all spheres of human activity, has shown distinctive excellence. Experts in the field of prediction expect expanded and more reasonable usage of information technologies, particularly in the areas where a full ICT support is needed. Agriculture is the sector which has rather insufficiently relied on information technologies in almost all its activities. It can be noticed that in the Republic of Serbia information technology, according to its capacities, has provided high-quality assistance to particular areas. However, this does not apply to the sector of agriculture. Due to the above-mentioned reasons, the subject of this paper is devoted to the issues related to information technology support in agribusiness, which is further aimed at strengthening competitiveness. In addition to introductory notes and conclusions, the paper contains three principal parts in which the positioning of Serbia relative to the application of information technologies has been analyzed, including also considerations of the problem of increased production and marketability on the selected example, as well as the usage of web-based information technologies with the aim of intensifying the activity level of agribusiness.