Dr Robina Naheed, Dr Raima Asif, Dr Shariq Ali Khan
2019 Zenodo  
Objective: The purpose of this analysis was to determine the assessment of public health physicians' knowledge of various areas of study and basic daily skills in general, and to encourage learning through an educational clinical supervision. Study design: An Analytical Study. Place and Duration: In the Institute of Public Health, Lahore for one year duration from February 2018 to January 2019. Methods: A group of experts in different aspects of public health were requested to participate in
more » ... tiple choice questions. With the help of a computer; the questionnaire was marked. The questionnaire was distributed to registered professors and registered experts for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), but participation was optional. The specialists marked their answers according to an evaluation program compared to the agreed model answers. Results: 499 total public health doctors returned the response forms. There was no "passing grade" because it was a knowledge workout, not an exam. However, although the negative rating system meant that the possible rating range was between -100 and 100 percent, negative marking was not done. 44 out of 80 was the median of the uncorrected answers. Questions about critical evaluation and infectious diseases had the maximum scores. While the contributors believed that the most exciting questions were evidence-based medicine and epidemiology, they were the pilot programs of the most popular Personal Health Services. Most of the comments were positive for the approach, but many said that the whole workout was very general and expertise said there were irrelevant questions. Conclusion: The general public health doctors who participated in this review seemed to be essentially capable in their basic skills knowledge and were able to keep up with the problems of ex [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3351348 fatcat:gfuiwlxcijaw5o32qepg5n5r6m