Implementing the Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm by using Schrödinger cat states in cavity QED

Yang Rong-Can, Li Hong-Cai, Lin Xiu, Chen Mei-Xiang
2006 Chinese Physics  
We propose a scheme to implement the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm by using Schrödinger cat states in cavity quantum electron-dynamics (QED). The scheme is based on the Raman interaction of a degenerate three-level Λ-type atom with a coherent state in a cavity. By using Schrödinger cat states, the atomic spontaneous emission can be minimized and the Hadamard transformation in our scheme is not needed.
doi:10.1088/1009-1963/15/10/021 fatcat:wgu5y4o7vrggdn2yy7yfznph7q